Working Schedule
The working plan of this project is included in the attached GANTT diagram. The diagram shows the most important milestones of the project and the key members of each activity. In addition, a coordination task in included in order to present the meetings and coordination activities of the research team. The assignment of the tasks to each member of the research team is associated with the different specialization of the researchers:
- C. Pereyra, A. Montes: specialists in the study of functionalization and characterization of polymers and supercritical impregnation.
- C. Mantell, E. Martínez de la Ossa, L. Casas and C. Cejudo: specialists in the extraction of bioactive products, characterization of extracts, impregnation of porous matrices and modellization of supercritical fluids processes.
- J.R. Portela, J. Sánchez and B. García: specialists in hydrothermal treatment of materials.
- L. Gheorghe, A. Rosal and I. Sánchez: specialists in biomedicine, in-vitro test and biomedical application of polymers.
A list of the milestones is included in the following table: