An International Patent is presented for the Supercritical Impregnation of Pharmacoactive Products In Polylactic Acid (PLA) Polymers Suitable for use in 3D Printing 11 abril 2022
The invention comprises the production of PLA impregnated with a natural extract of Mangifera indica L. with pharmacoactive properties using supercritical technology for use as pharmacoactive implants in biomedicine.
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of the impregnated PLA filament are evaluated, observing that it retains its bioactivity after 3D printing. The printed samples show lower bioactivity values, which is attributed to the fact that the extract in the printed polymer is released more slowly than in the samples before 3D printing as the porosity of the polymer varies.
When considering the biomedical use of the product, this result is very positive as it allows the pharmacoactive effect of the extract to be prolonged for longer in the case of the samples printed with the impregnated filament.
Filing Number 300446387
Application Number PCT PCT/ES2022/070224
Date of receipt 11 April 2022
Receiving Office Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, Madrid