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Functional polymer devices by high pressure processes for biomedical applications SCPolymers

General and specific objectives

The general objective of this project is to obtain through high-pressure processes biodegradable polymers impregnated with pharmacoactive substances that can be applied to promote tissue regeneration. These biodegradable polymers will be generated by optimizing supercritical foaming processes with the aim of producingtwo types of structures: the first ones being highly porous structures — scaffolds — with a pore size that is largeenough to allow the penetration of cells, the growth of nutrients and the flow of metabolic waste; and the second type of structures would be less porous — stents — which would be used in those cases where cell proliferation is to be controlled.

Both structures would be impregnated by means of supercritical impregnation with a pharmacoactive extract with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. These substances would be gradually released to promotethe acceptance of the polymer by the host. Their release and, therefore, the bioavailability of pharmaceutical substances is determined not only by their own properties, but also by the characteristics of the polymer where they are contained, hence the study of the two types of structures (highly porous and less porous); and by the mechanics by which the drug is laid down in the structure of the polymer, hence the interest in determining the possibilities of supercritical impregnation (different operation modes).


Based on the above, the general objective could be broken down into the following specific objectives:

  1. Study of the foaming process in conjugated and combined polymers. Person in charge Clara Mª
  2. Study of the supercritical impregnation process: 
    1. in structure suitable for use as scaffolds. Person in charge Clara Mª
    2. in structure suitable for use as stents. Person in charge: Casimiro
  3. Characterization of the generated materials. Person in charge: Clara Mª Pereyra
  4. Study of the release kinetics and modeling of the process. Person in charge: Casimiro Mantell
  5. In vitro test study of cellular behavior in the presence of pharmaco-active Person in charge: CasimiroMantell
  6. Viability analysis of the impregnated products generated as bio-absorbable cardiac devices with pharmacological properties. Person in charge: Casimiro Mantell